Directly or indirectly most social problems are the result of someone’s low self image. Most of us at one point in our lives have experienced what we called lack of confidence; when we feel inadequate and insignificant, those moments when we feel unworthy, incapable and unloved both by ourselves and by others, self esteem either high or low is an emotion. Low self-esteem is the under-rating of ourselves, selling ourselves short on our gifts, talents, skills, potentials and values. The feeling that others are more better than ourselves; it may be in terms of beauty (physical appearance), education, material possessions, position, etc, it ought not to be so, because each one of us is unique, you have something that none else has, therefore don’t feel inferior, intimidated by others gifts or training.
What is self esteem? The dictionary defines esteem as:- “to regard with respect, to price, to appreciate, to recognize the quality, significance, or magnitude of, admire greatly, to value”.People with low self-esteem never regard themselves with respect, never price their skills, abilities and gifts they have. They see themselves as nobody, unqualified, in secured as a result of their inferiority complex. They sold themselves at the of market of life below cost price, they are mediocre in any organization, they don’t laugh in public or they throw away their face before they could do that, covers their mouth smiling at you, they chew their fingernails.http://www.more-selfesteem.com/whatisselfesteem.htm
When a man or woman lacks self confidence, he will lack initiatives, drive, poise and focus to make positive contribution in life. He’ll choose a life of drudgery seeking approval from people; they’re always on the sideline of wishful thinking and day dreaming.http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/10-ways-to-instantly-build-self-confidence/
What are the causes of low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, or inferiority complex. One is our background, where we came from, geographic location, culture and family background. The truth is that, none of us chose our tribe, culture, language, parents and our family.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Man_and_a_Woman
Another cause is educational qualification; several people are under the bondage of inferiority complex as a result of lack of education. Most people suffered this for several years until they came in contact with words of Napoleon hills that hits me like an assassin’s bullet and sent to hell lack of self confidence forever out of my life. He said “any man is educated who knows where to get knowledge when they needs it, and how to organized that knowledge into definite plan of action. An educated man is one who has so developed the faculties of his mind that he may acquire anything he wants, or its equivalent without, violating the rights of others”.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_Hill
Third killer of self-esteem is, physical make-up beauty. Let this sink into your mind; you were not in the construction committee, neither were you the project manager and supervisor nor were you at the construction site when you being created. You shall know the truth and truth shall make you free. The verdict of God who created you is that you are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made. Stop allowing men’s negative assessment of your physical attributes becomes your reality.http://www.teen-beauty-tips.com/quiz-for-self-esteem.html
Another eraser and assassin of self esteem is repeated failures, one’s inability to achieve self goals and objectives as expected, which may be as a result unrealistic expectation, either self or people imposed.
Hope deferred (delayed makes the heart sick, but when dreams come true, there is life and joy” (proverb:12).http://bible.cc/proverbs/13-12.htm
Not long ago, I when through a dark period in my life; I was so broke that I lost confidence in my self. If I had walk into a bank those days their security alarm would've went off. I think I had the self-confidence of a death rat those days. You see when a man is financially broke that he's unable to meet his financial responsibilities, it takes the grace of God, a loving and understanding wife (if he's married) to keep him from harms way.
Gift is a beautiful girl with a winsome attitude, everybody loves to be around her, an out going and engaging personality. Buy right now she's withdraw and secludes her self, she has lost considerable amount of her verve, enthusiasm and self-esteem as a result of repeated failure to get admission into higher institution after four years of graduating from secondary school, while her mates are in NYSC orientation camp.
There are people who seek self confidence in alcohol and drugs, drive recklessly, indulge in promiscuous life, these are journey into death ends. There is hope if you've lost your self-confidence or you've being living in inferiority complex along low self-esteem avenue.
To gain a better perspective of yourself, move away from those who continually points out your errors, mistakes, shortcomings, weaknesses and ugliness. In life we cannot avoid mistakes, but you can keep away from the congregations of fault finders, avoid those who will want to build monument on your failures, and don’t build one for self. Appreciate your gifts, talents and potentials no matter how little or inconsequential they seems. Ponder on these poetic lines.
Self-esteem, it all depends on it
The deary days of empty purse
Cloud sky of hopeless tomorrow
Yawning pain of many failures
Rise for it is dawn, it is not
What happened to us,
But what happened in us. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-esteem
Faruk Mu'azu Gombe
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